BCCA Shows

What is BCCA you ask?  Brewery Collectibles Club of America as in glassware, serving trays, cans, bottles, cases, schwag, you know… stuff.  The next show in Jersey is as follows.

There’s also one next in February.  Here’s what Brian sent over!

Jersey Shore Chapter of The Brewery Collectables Club of America

Brewey Collectables Show

Sunday Feb 26, 2012, 8:30am – 3:00pm

Joyce Kilmer Post 25 American Legion Hall

4 JFK Drive, Milltown NJ

Tables: $10

Walk-ins $5

Click here to view the flyer.

I WILL ALSO BE THERE SELLING NJCB Membership Cards and things like that!  Stop on BY!


Do you collect anything beer related?  I’m a tray collector.  I have probably over 100 and a few other random things as well.  I especially dig the local NJ stuff.  I have them all displayed mounted to my wall using magnets.  Tell us, what do you collect?

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4 thoughts on “BCCA Shows”

  1. I must tell you if you are lucky enough to live near a craft brewery take advantage of it I am a craft beer lover in southern New Hampshire and within 2 hours time i can be at the Sam Adams and Harpoon breweries in Boston as well as RedHook, and a smaller one in Portsmouth as well as Shipyard and Magic Hat in Maine and Vermont.And these are the home breweries so if you ever get the chance come check them out because they do all the test batches like the Sam Adams Cream Stout IPA Yum Yum Yum

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