381 Main NJ Craft Beer Day, a recap

I was lucky enough this past Saturday to cover the first NJ Craft Beer Day at 381 Main in Little Falls,NJ.  It was an exceptional showing for all the names in craft brewing in our great state. The theme was to feature NJ craftbeers with a selection of drafts from Cricket Hill, Carton Brewing, Kane Brewing, NJ Beer Co, River Horse, and Climax, not to mention the bottle selections from Beach Haus and Boaks and the list goes on and on. My sampling highlight of the day was to enjoy a pumpkin creme ale by Carton Brewing with Augie himself. As a group of 5 of us stood there sampling this ale (that most of you won’t be able to get till next season, sorry) we all reach for our phones to be the first to log on to a social site but out of respect we all waited patiently as the brewer himself created his beer and was the first to check into it. As most pumpkin ales try to flavor the beer with spices as used in pie, Carton has gone the opposite way. They went toward a pumpkin soup style and added it to a crème ale base. I must say they nailed it, and the group I was around would all say the same I’m sure.

Toward the later half of the session Rick from Cricket Hill gave a rather moving speech on how NJ should always be proud of where we all come from and the beers we enjoy. As the drinking public, if we don’t find any offerings of a  NJ Craftbeer that we all should demand that the venue offers at least one from all the great breweries we have in this state. I agree with what Rick was saying, we have more breweries in our state than the rest of the nation. So get out there and enjoy all of what your state has to offer us.

I’m gonna say that this first NJ Craftbeer Day at 381 Main was a great success. I would like to thank the owner Steve and John the man who put it all together for their support of our site and letting us help cover this event. John is planning on another NJ Craftbeer Day on Nov. 19,2011 and at this event you might be able to get a sampling of another beer that wont be available to the public till after this event. By the way if your looking for a Boat Beer, 381 Main will now be carrying it full time as of now. So stop by since their name is their address in Little Falls, NJ.

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