We get involved in really great events and I’m proud to be able to post this event for our friend and former Team NJCB, Os Cruz. Here’s what Os is planning, pasted in from his email. This event already is going to be killer! Click on and have fun!
So as some of you may have read, I’ve been planning a charity event. My cellar has been getting a little out of control, and instead of selling my beer I decided I would donate it towards a charity bottle share. I have attended a couple of Pints For Prostates sponsored events in the past and thought they would make the perfect charity to work with. The good folks over at Pints For Prostates were more than happy to have us throw an event to help raise awareness of the importance of regular screenings and early detection. What better day than the day before Father’s Day to do this?
We have scheduled the event for Saturday June 14th between 12:30pm and 4:30pm at Van Gogh’s Ear Cafe in Union, NJ (Special thanks to Sarah and Rob). There will only be a very limited amount of tickets. Tickets at the door will only be made available if we do not sell out online.
My friend Gene of TalkBeer.Com has also come on board as a sponsor in promoting this event.
What to expect: (The Fun Stuff)
Currently, I have set aside over 250 unique beers from my cellar that I’ve collected over the years to share with all attendees. There will be plenty of beer for all.
- You get to share and drink beer with other beer lovers while supporting a great cause.
- I will supply a lot of beer I’ve collected through the years and travels. (Vintages, things not found in NJ etc etc)
- Share what you bring with friends or just anyone you meet. Others will generally do the same.
- Cocktail Style Food Menu by Van Gogh’s Ear Cafe (additional menu items available for purchase)
- You are automatically entered for a chance to win a Beer Trip to Belgium
- 50/50 Raffle
- Beer Schwag Raffles
- Beer Schwag Silent Auction (donated by some awesome beer people)
- Enjoy live music by Mike Lorenz
- A commemorative tasting glass
- Anyone looking to sponsor in any way (beer, schwag, giveaways, money) please email me: heysmartbeerdude at gmail dot com
- Please bring cash with you for raffles, food, tips etc! We are fundraising after all!
- Please tip the staff and entertainment. They are the ones making this happen.
Drooling. That’s awesome!