Vote for Cloverleaf as Best Beer Bar in the Northeast


Cloverleaf is back as one of the conteders to win the best beer bar in the Northeast! Help by voting, NJ!  So let’s see what Ryan from Cloverleaf has to say!

We were nominated again on for Best Beer Bar. I know you were a HUGE help last year getting the word out for votes. I’m sure NJCB played a BIG part in boosting us to #3 in the country. Here is the link to this year’s voting. Hoping we can represent NJ for a second year in a row!

Go vote at!
Cloverleaf is located @ 395 Bloomfield Ave in Caldwell.  Find them on Twitter and Facebook as well. NJCB Members can save 10% off your entire bill OR get $3 off growler fills.  Come on and join into the club today.

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