Fair Lawn: Firestone Tap Take Over(Goodbye Wookey Jack) Also Contest Stuff! is happening at Stosh’s
Brian from Stosh’s said on November 18 2016 from 07:00 pm to
Stosh’s will be having a Firestone Tap take over featuring Barrelworks Bretta Weisse, Firestone is also having a contest and you’ll need to make a video in order to have a chance at winning a all expense trip to their brewery and we’ll be more then happy to help you win this! It’s also a sad Day because we’ll be saying goodbye to Wookey Jack and a couple of other Firestones beers, Don’t be sad though we’ll be saying Heeeeelllooo nurse! to what is to come.
NJCB Members save $1 off craft beer & $2 off 64oz and $1 off 32oz growler fills