Arrogant Bastard Day at The Beer Spot & Grill

Fort Lee: Arrogant Bastard Day is happening at The Beer Spot & Grill

Joe from The Beer Spot & Grill said on November 5 2016 from 12:00 pm to 02:00 am

“You’re not worthy!

This is an aggressive beer. You probably won’t like it. It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate an ale of this quality and depth. We would suggest that you stick to safer and more familiar territory—maybe something with a multimillion-dollar ad campaign aimed at convincing you it’s made in a little brewery, or one that implies that their tasteless fizzy yellow beer will give you more sex appeal. Perhaps you think multimillion-dollar ad campaigns make a beer taste better. Perhaps you’re mouthing your words as you read this.

At Arrogant Brewing, we believe that pandering to the lowest common denominator represents the height of tyranny—a virtual… form of keeping the consumer barefoot and stupid. Brought forth upon an unsuspecting public in 1997, Arrogant Bastard Ale openly challenged the tyrannical overlords who were brazenly attempting to keep Americans chained in the shackles of poor taste. Since the very beginning, Arrogant Bastard Ale has reveled in its unprecedented and uncompromising celebration of intensity. There have been many nods to Arrogant Bastard Ale…even outright attempts to copy it…but only one can ever embody the true nature of Liquid Arrogance!

On this day we will be tapping at least (3) Arrogant Bastard ale’s to celebrate the downfal of fizzy beers:all of fizzy beers:

1) Arrogant Bastard -Double the arrogance & lacerative as hell

Originally brewed to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Arrogant Bastard Ale, Double Bastard Ale debuted in November 1998 as an amped-up version of that already aggressive beer. This heavy ale is appreciated by only a few, and that’s just fine with us. We didn’t brew this behemoth to please anyone other than ourselves.

2) Double Bastard -Double the arrogance & lacerative as hell

Originally brewed to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Arrogant Bastard Ale, Double Bastard Ale debuted in November 1998 as an amped-up version of that already aggressive beer. This heavy ale is appreciated by only a few, and that’s just fine with us. We didn’t brew this behemoth to please anyone other than ourselves.

3) Lukcy Bastard – An audacious, celebratory blend of three Bastards

A dry-hopped blend of Arrogant Bastard, Double Bastard and OAKED Arrogant Bastard

Lukcy Bastard Ale was first released in November 2010 in celebration of the (lucky) 13th anniversary of Arrogant Bastard Ale. This powerfully complex beer is an amalgamation of three Bastards—Arrogant Bastard Ale, Double Bastard Ale and OAKED Arrogant Bastard Ale — unceremoniously thrown together and then dry-hopped to excess, providing a fittingly immoderate blast of malty, hoppy flavor. Those Worthy souls who possess the nerve to try it will be rewarded with a delicious assault on their taste buds


Southern Charred 12.6% – Double Bastard Ale Aged in Bourbon Barrels

When Double Bastard Ale spends months sequestered in Kentucky bourbon barrels, a most unique reverse-transmogrification takes place. A once-burly behemoth emerges as a stunningly graceful beast, with its bold, bullish roots lingering just under the surface. This Southernized paragon of liquid glory exudes sophistication, exalted character and uncompromising independence courtesy of American oak. Only the worthiest of imbibers are invited to experience a fleeting yet unforgettable encounter with this rare breed. This is what awaits for those with the eye, heart and inner fortitude to step up to Southern Charred.

Double Bastard in the Rye 13.5% – Ale aged in templeton rye whiskey barrels

Much like the lacerative muther of a beer that is Double Bastard Ale, rye whiskey is not for everyone. Most are not emotionally or otherwise equipped to appreciate its unbridled intensity. So to sequester Double Bastard Ale in rye whiskey barrels is to conceive an experience that no doubt will be treasured by only a select few. It takes a special breed of exceptional depth to thrive under such demanding conditions and emerge with such stunning vibrancy. Namely, Double Bastard Ale. Something this sublime should never be squandered, however. Those plagued by even a smidge of self-doubt should look elsewhere. This rare treasure is strictly for those possessing the capacity to appreciate what many will shun. Just like I do.

Crime 10.5% – Ale with Peppers added & Aged in Bourbon Barrels

This beer was crafted for those who adore both pain and pleasure (but mostly pain), those who should know better and those who don’t know better. It is the result of what many beer enthusiasts would consider a most egregious crime—sequestering Arrogant Bastard Ale, Double Bastard Ale and OAKED Arrogant Bastard Ale in Kentucky bourbon barrels, then blending them together with jalapeño, serrano, and other chile peppers. The result is something unsuitable for the faint of heart, mind or palate. Still confident you can handle this? Very well, but be forewarned: You’re playing with fire…be prepared for the consequences.

Punishment 12.0% – Ale with Peppers added & Aged in Bourbon Barrels

Although many find only pain in this beer, chile pepper connoisseurs, daredevils and masochists proclaim it a fine, intense and enlightening experience. Never intended for the timid, Punishment is the capsaicin-throttled spawn of the beer behemoth Double Bastard Ale. Months of aging in Kentucky bourbon barrels intensify this beast of a beer’s already massive flavors, while the unceremonious addition of chile peppers (jalapeno, serrano, Fresno and more) morphs it into a truly punishing beer.

Bourbon Barrel-Aged Arrogant Bastard 8.1% – American Strong Ale

Quite Refined, Unlike You

I awake from a slumber that’s been anything but peaceful. I don’t take kindly to idling and I am anything but neutral. Life has nothing to do with killing time, and the knowledge that months have passed since the onset of my sequestering in this pitch-black oaken tomb (albeit a barrel flush with brilliant aromas of vanilla and char) does not sit well. But then comes a tingle followed by rejuvenating warmth, signs that something is different…something has changed…and for the better.

I feel stronger yet somehow more nimble and refined. I feel even more self-assured, and my vision for what is good and right, honest and true, is as laser-sharp as the brawny, bawdy, liquid Arrogance that shall further advance my battle against all things mediocre and geared toward the lowest common denominator. I have been born anew and, in the process, anointed with vibrant, inspiring, previously unexperienced character, all while maintaining everything I am and have always been—bold, bullish, unadulterated, and yes, Arrogant.

Are you Worthy of quaffing a beverage of this intensity, irreverence and quality craftsmanship? Not likely, but for those who “get it,” I know my time in this bourbon barrel has not been wasted. Cheers to you, enlightened imbiber. On second thought, cheers to me!


Who You Callin’ Wussie 5.8% – Northern German Pilsner

Time a Pilsner Got Arrogant

For far too long the tyrannical industrialized beer overlords have disgraced and cheapened the noble heritage of the pilsner with their relentless multi-generational downward drive to commercialized homogenization. Over decades, this once vaulted style has been slowly and methodically gutted, bringing forth a soulless and anemic result, all the while spending billions in advertising to convince the unwitting public that their fizzy yellow end result was beer. Well, I will not have it. We are striking back for true craft by stealing the pilsner back from their evil clutches, and restoring it to its almighty glory. They do it cheaply. We do it right. Choose vapidity, or choose righteousness…but whatever you do, choose wisely.

Limited flights of Southern Charred, Double Bastard in the Rye, Crime & Punishment.


More information can be found at


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