WIN Atlantic City Beer & Music Fest tickets and a Friday night party!

The NJCB Members were treated to a bunch of giveaways earlier this week and now it’s your chance (and the members too, it’s only fair).  We are giving away the following tickets.

2 pairs of tickets for Friday Session #1

2 pairs of tickets for Saturday Session #2

2 pairs of tickets for Saturday Session #3


Kellie, Friday #1

Marc, Friday #1

Nestor, Saturday #2

Julio Saturday #2

Karen, Saturday #3

Diana, Saturday #3




How do you win?

1) Reply to this email with what session you are interested in attending.

2) Tell us what brewery you are most excited to sample beers from.

3) Enter your first and last name in the email.

4) Make sure you sign into the comments with a valid email address or Twitter name or leave it in the comments.  Feel free to use anti-spam tactics such as mike ___at____ newjersey (DOT) com

– Fine Print –

Must enter all the above data to be entered.  Failure to do so will be eliminated.   Must be able to attend. Comments will close on March 11.  Winners will  randomly be selected using


Friday night, after Session #1, we will be hosting a party at the newly opened Vagabond Kitchen and Taproom.  Details will be announced shortly, but please mark your calendars.  Specials for NJCB Members, celebrity beer people and all around good times.  Again, details will be announced shortly.

Read more about the AC Beer Fest on here and come visit us at our booth.  Members will be able to get $10 shirts and we’ll be selling Membership Cards in person!

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42 thoughts on “WIN Atlantic City Beer & Music Fest tickets and a Friday night party!”

  1. Can't wait for Friday night, excited to see what Kane Brewing brings to the table..go local!

  2. Saturday Session #3….Unibroue…Michael Minervini… @sirmikejeckel (twitter)….i wont lie i cant afford to go cause im going on a trip to north carolina at the end of the winning these tickets would be awesome

  3. Session 2 as well…. I'm looking forward to Carton Brewing, Kane and more local stuff.

  4. any session is fine for me!
    can't wait to taste firestone walker and 21st!!!
    twitter @creativemuffin or creativemuffin A Gmail

  5. Timothy McKeever

    Tim McKeever Saturday session. tim3772@ I'm pretty excited that He'Brew is going to be there as I really like their IPA and would like to try some more of their stuff.

  6. Session 3
    Fegley’s always has made a good brew, def gonna visit them a few times
    Occpimpin @

  7. 1) Reply to this email with what session you are interested in attending.
    Any Session I can get.

    2) Tell us what brewery you are most excited to sample beers from.
    Allagash (Bring some Coolship please 😉 and looking forward to all of the new NJ breweries.

    3) Enter your first and last name in the email.
    Tim Bouton

  8. Matthew Van Liew

    Session 3, waiting for Tommyknocker, Matthew Van Liew, matthew.vanliew aatt G-mail

  9. Session 2
    Firestone Walker tops the list. However, there are several others I am eager to sample. Ommegang, Terrapin and Unibroue all run a close second.
    Jason McGeough
    stinky35 at hotmail dot com

  10. Friday night, session 1
    Allagash, Doaks, Flying Dog, Lagunitas, Ommegang
    Linda Gehrig
    njscubadiva at

  11. Any session will work, but preferably the first session and I have never heard of Beach Haus, so I would love to try that ! Otherwise, I just want to enjoy them all. 🙂

  12. Any session will work, but preferably the first session and I have never heard of Beach Haus, so I would love to try that ! Otherwise, I just want to enjoy them all. 🙂

    E-mail: Virginia . Pauls @ gmail . Com
    Twitter: Ohno_Virginia

    Thanks ! 🙂

  13. Any session would work (but preferably the first session). I have never heard of Beach Haus, so I would love to try that ! Otherwise, I just want to enjoy all the old and new favorites. 🙂

    E-mail: virginia[dot]pauls[at]gmail[dot]com
    Twitter: OHNO_Virginia

  14. Any session works for me!
    All the new NJ beer companies (Tuckahoe, Kane, etc.) & St. Feuillien's Saison (gotta try that hop of theirs).
    Karen Lockwood

  15. I can do either Saturday session!
    Can't wait to see what Harpoon has!
    alexandrakpark at gmail [DOT] com

  16. Friday Session
    That's tough! But Heavy Seas is known for their experimental firkins, so I'm interested to see what they bring.

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