Big Brew Day at The Brewer’s Apprentice

Freehold: Big Brew Day is happening at The Brewer’s Apprentice

Joellen from The Brewer’s Apprentice said on Saturday, May 4 from 11:00 am to 02:00 pm


TBA’s BIG BREW event will begin (promptly) at 11:00 pm with a group brew of Trans-Atlantic Blonde Ale in our brew kettles. This recipe for a classic blonde ale comes from Drew Beechum, co-author of the upcoming book Simple Brewing. The recipe can be fermented with either American or Belgian yeast.

How it will work …

Be present (you may bring a friend) and ready to brew at 11 am.
Bring your fermenting buckets to take home your 5 gallons of ferment-able wort!! Or add one to your order … .A d d B u c k e t.
Yeast* & priming sugar * Your choice of any in stock yeast strain
Each 5 gallon share is $60.00
There are 6 shares available on a first come, first serve basis
No limit on the number of shares you may purchase
Preregistration is required to secure your share(s), using the Buy Now link below

More information can be found at at this link. The address is 865 Route 33 West, Suite 4, Freehold.  BrewApp is a homebrew store as well as a Brew on Premise (BoP) location. NJCB members save 10% off of all products including all BREW-ON-PREMISES and Brew To Go services. Cannot be combined with any other discount or promotion and does not include bottles.

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