Blend Sierra Nevada draft event

Hamilton: Blend Sierra Nevada draft event is happening at BLEND Bar & Bistro

Rick from BLEND Bar & Bistro said on January 21 2016 from 08:00 pm to 01:30 am

We’ll have some great beers on tap from these craft beer revolutionaries, including Blizzicane Bock and the all new Otra Vez.

PLUS we’ll have Barrel Aged Narwhal on tap.

Oh, and we aren’t finished. We’ll also have a 4 year vertical of Bigfoot Barleywine (2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016)!

More information can be found at their Facebook event. Blend Bar, 911 Highway 33, Hamilton, offers 10% off takeout/packaged goods/growlers and 15% off dine-in. to NJCB Members!

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