Brew Blast on the Battleship NJ ticket GIVEAWAYS!!

Brew Blast!

We are giving away 2 pairs of tickets to the Brew Blast on the Battleship NJ!

The Inaugural Brew Blast on the Battleship NJ is this Saturday, September 17 from 1-5pm.  There will be between 24-30 breweries.   This is being sponsored by Philadelphia’s classic rock station, 102.9 WMGK. Tickets can be found online for now for $45 each HOWEVER, you can win a pair.  We are giving away two pairs of tickets.  Please leave a comment on the website ( and tell us why you want to go?  The comments will be closed TODAY, September 14 and two random winners will receive a pair of tickets each.  

The rules are simple.

1) Leave a comment on your reason for wanting to go
2) Make sure you give us a way to contact you if you are the winner.  Through email or Twitter is best.
3) Spread the word.  Tell your friends and family about the contest.

and the winners are #13 and #15.  See the pictures below.  I’ll be emailing you!  Congrats and stay tuned!

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18 thoughts on “Brew Blast on the Battleship NJ ticket GIVEAWAYS!!”

  1. There are many reasons why it is worth spending a beautiful September Saturday afternoon at the Brew Blast. It is an ideal opportunity to drink great beer, meet great people, tour the Battleship NJ before the event for free, and most importantly have a great time responsibly thanks to NJ Transit's River LINE Light Rail and Philly's Riverlink Ferry.

  2. Because if I win the tickets, I will bring a portable Battleship game with me. And play, one move per sample. At the end of the game I promise to say "You drunk my Battleship". Promise.

  3. Because I probably know someone who served on the Battleship NJ if you allow for 6 degrees of separation. And then if I win I'd be really bummed because I can't make it this weekend.

  4. I can’t put into words how much I have enjoyed being a part of the NJ Craft Beer Family! All the comments and suggestions have been wonderful! I would love to continue this wonderful romance onboard of this wonderful ship, battling delicious brews!!!

  5. I am looking forward to brew blast because I have been a craft brew lover since 07 and have yet to attend an expo. Not due to the price of admission but rather the price my body will pay in the morning. But I believe Battleship NJ will continue to defend our lives, liberties and our livers.

  6. Strangely enough I have never been to this, nor the battleship, despite seeing it twice a day on the way to work and living only 2 miles from FF. Besides, Casey needs an uber-experienced craft beer drinker like me on hand to help with consumption. Any Iron Fish on hand?

  7. In a perfect world everyone one would have battleships that can shoot beer across the world, but since its not getting to enjoy this event would be great

  8. I really wish I can win these tickets because craft beer plays a very important part of my life. I don't drink craft beer to get drunk, I drink it to enjoy & savor the flavor. I can't think of a better place to enjoy a craft on a cool Saturday afternoon then being on the deck of the Battleship New Jersey! Thank you for your time & consideration!!

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