Firestone Walker event at The Shep

the shepherd and knucklehead bar

Thursday, July 17 from 4PM on, The Shep will be hosting a Firestone Walker event! Check out the The Shepherd & Knucklehead online, on Twitter or their more active Facebook page.  The Shepherd & Knucklehead is located in Haledon at 529 Belmont Avenue. Fans get a deal if you are a NJCB Member. 10% off beer! According to Joe from The Shep…

This lineup is so unbelievable it’ll make you cry! A large number of these beers are so rare that once they’re gone that’s it—kiss it goodbye. Many are high octane so we highly recommend having a designated driver.

Draft lineup includes…

  1. XV (15th Anniversary)
  2. XVI (16th Anniversary)
  3. XVII (17th Anniversary)
  4. Parabola 2012
  5. Parabola 2014
  6. Sucaba 2013
  7. Sucaba 2014
  8. Reserve Porter 2013
  9. Opal
  10. Union Jack IPA
  11. Wookey Jack
  12. Double Jack


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