Hoboken: Hoboken Brewing/Sierra Nevada Beercamp Tapping & Soft Launch! is happening at Taphaus Hoboken
Andrew from Taphaus Hoboken said on Thursday, July 6 from 07:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Hoboken Brewing Company is almost ready to launch & are hosting several events around the city! They’ll be tapping a fresh batch of their Sierra Nevada Beer-Camp brew “Oats & the Four Hops” at various Hoboken bars throughout the summer. Stay tuned for dates/locations!
Things kick off at Taphaus Hoboken on Thursday, 7/6 @ 7PM. Oh, and there will be karaoke.
Keep a look out for their Cityside IPA and Bodi Blonde Coconut Ale available soon!
More information can be found at http://www.hobokenbrewing.beer/