love2brew events

Our friends at love2brew sent over the following events! Go stop in and see what’s going on at their store.

Homebrewing is easy and fun, which is why love2brew is hosting an American Homebrewers Association (AHA) Learn to Homebrew Day event. Following our events from previous years this event will be free and open to the public. We will be featuring multiple beers being brewing using various techniques. Aside from love2brew staff members brewers will be featured from local homebrewing clubs such as Ferment the World, the WHALES, and the Brew World Order. This event will begin officially at 10:30am but it is an informal event that will run for most of the day. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in beer, home brewing, or just looking to meet some like- minded beer lovers!

Organized by the AHA, Learn to Homebrew Day is an international event held on the first Saturday of November. Since 1999, thousands of homebrewers have gathered each year to teach friends and family the basics of the homebrewing hobby. Love2brew is a corporate sponsor of the American Homebrew Association via their publications and events.

love2brew is happy to invite anyone interested in homebrewing to stop by from 10:30am to 3:30pm on Saturday, November 2, 2013 to join the fun!

Call (732) 658-3550 or email for more information.

love2brew has joined the NJCB membership club and offer %5 off any products to NJCB cardholders.  love2brew is located at  1583 Livingston Ave, Unit #2 in North Brunswick, online, on Facebook and on Twitter too.

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