Meadowlands Great Beer Fest TICKET GIVEAWAY

We’re giving away 4 sets of tickets (2 for each session) to the Meadowlands festival this year! This contest is ONLY open to NJCB Members! In order to win, you need to leave a comment in this article. The following needs to be answered in the comments to enter the random drawing for the February 2 event!

  • Tell us what brewery you are most excited to drink a beer from
  • Tell us what session you would like the tickets for. We are giving away 2 pairs from each session.
  • You must also come to the NJCB table during the event.
  • You must also be an 2013 NJCB Member to win. Your name and email address on file with us will be verified.
  • We will be picking a winner on Sunday, January 27. Please stay tuned to your email to see if you are the winner.
  • We will use to pick the 4 winners. You cannot win more than 1 set of tickets.

More details can be found on this post.


Bob, Ray, Chris and Michael. Check your email!

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85 thoughts on “Meadowlands Great Beer Fest TICKET GIVEAWAY”

  1. Session 2
    Excited bout lotsa brewery’s but firestone walker the most
    I will stop by table if I win
    And I am an njcb 2013 member


    1. I have meant to check out Bruton for a while. Now I can.
      I would like tickets to session 1.
      I will stop by your table.

  2. Derek Despotovich

    I would do Session 2

    Most excited for Weyerbacher, was at there brewery last week but I was driving so I was only able to try 2 samples. Hoping they have Insanity there.

  3. Most excited for Tommyknocker out of Colorado and would like tickets for the first session. Of course we’ll stop by the NJCB table, we’ve been members for 3 years!

  4. I am really looking forward to otter creek. Visited them a few years back and love what they are doing. Got my membership card and will visit the table! Looking forward to meeting you all as well.

  5. Lots of great breweries but im most Excited for Boulder beer because I can’t seen to get their beer in jersey anymore! . Session # 1.

  6. Looking forward to firestone and 21st. Would love to go the 2nd session but can attend either

  7. Affligem. Have only had their Christmas ale, looking forward to trying others. Session 1.

  8. Steve Rosenberger

    Current NJCB. Member! – Can’t wait to come by and see everyone at the NJCB table.

    Super excited for Session #1!

    NJ Beer Company…

  9. Hi Mike, thanks for the chance to win tickets. I would love to go to the afternoon session…but would take either. I will Def stop by the booth!

    Go Founders….my tap of choice!

    ps.I don’t know which place I commented on corectly…..

  10. Turtle stone! Great brews!!!
    The second session would be great but it would be awesome to win tickets to either session!

  11. Brian, looking forward to trying some more beers from Firestone!! Hope they bring out new brews. Also want session one!!

  12. Would love to go to Session 1 and drink some Hooker beer (can’t go wrong with a beer named Hooker…or can you?). I will definitely let you know if I get arrested or not when I stop by the New Jersey Craft Beer table. Email is either as above or and I am a 2013 member.

  13. Excited for Früh Kolsch, will remind me of my multiple past visits to Cologne.

    Session 2

    I will stop at the table and I am a member.

  14. I am excited to try Third Shift and Ruckus. I am not familiar with them.

    The afternoon session.

    Would visit your table whether I had to or not.

  15. I have to go with Great Lakes because I’ve never had a beer from them before.

    Do I have to choose a session? I’ll take either. But I guess I’ll say Session #2 if I have to.

    Come to the table? A….duh!

  16. I’m serious hoping that Weyerbacher brings some of their newly bottled Insanity. And of course always looking forward to Firestone Walker.

    Session 1, and will certainly be stopping by the table!

  17. Such a tough call regarding the brewers.. But if only having to pick one, would go with Bellhaven from Scotland. I lived there for a year and partook of many Bellhaven products, great Real UK Ale. I will say the other 2 Scottish Brewers are also of interest and Elsyian.
    Would prefer session 2. Thanks


  18. Definitely Bruton, and then seeing some old favorites. Hoping to try Sir Perry as well!

    Prefer 2nd session but I would love to go to either! 🙂 Thanks!

  19. I would say the brewery that I am most excited to drink from is Great lakes brewing co. Still only, had one of their beers and looking forward to seeing more of their stuff by Bergen country.

    Session 2 and I will stop by the NJCB table during the event.

    Im also a member

  20. * Unibroue
    * 2nd session (but I’d accept 1st)

    As a 2013 NJCB member, I’d be sure to stop by the NJCB table. Craft Beer is the BEST!

  21. Would love to try some New Belgium brewery beers but since they will not be there my runner up choice would be Ruckus brewing.

    2013 member, Session 1

  22. 1. I’m pretty excited for some cider! So, Magners or Blackthorn for me.
    2. I’d prefer Session 1, but I’ll take either.
    3. Of course I’d come visit!
    4. 1st year member 🙂

  23. Looking forward to having some 21st Amendment. Session 2 would be best. Will definitely stop by the NJCB table and have been a member since 2011.

  24. Love Firestone but really interested in trying the international selections available. I am a 2013 member and would prefer session 1.

  25. Greeting to choose one brewery is quite a challenge but at first glance have to say 21st Amendment.

    Would prefer the 1st session but can go to either

    Definitely will come by the NJCB table and show it off proudly.

  26. amanda marrero-lapidus

    why do i have to pick just one beer? ok. The shed for sure as I can’t find it around me yet. Really want to try Keegan Ales as hoping on stopping there next month when traveling.
    Session 1 would work out best for me.
    Of course I’d stop by your table. Even pose for silly pictures while I flash my membership card!

  27. Christopher Ericson

    Would love to taste the Cape May IPA. I will stop by the NJCB table. Session 2 would be better but I can do either.

  28. Great Lakes Brewing – hope they have the Edmund Fitzgerald Porter – Good stuff!!!
    Session 1

    Thanks for running this!!!

  29. It’s a tie between Great Lakes and Victory and I would like session 2. Definitely will make a stop by the NJCB table. I’m a new member, but lovin’ it already.

  30. Firestone is definately one I am really gettig into so far this year. So many out there but they are on top of my list.

    Session 2 would be best but certainly flexible.

    I would love to stop by and meet you guys. 2nd year member. Would love to put a face behind the posts on untappd and twitter.


  31. Session 1

    Turtle Stone and Cape May since they are harder to get up in North Jersey and I have not tried their beers yet.

    Thanks for the opportunity Mike.

  32. Session 1

    There are so many great breweries listed; Firestone is always a favorite but after Hurricane Sandy, gonna support my loca NJ breweries like NJ Beer Co. and, Cape May Brewing . ….hopefully Carton will be added to the list.

    Will absolutely stop at your table

    2013 member.

  33. I am most excited for Heady Topper from alchemist. I can taste it getting closer to New Jersey. I would love a pair of tix to session 1. If not. See you on the bus to Delaware.

  34. Julian Fernandez

    My favorite craft beer would have to be Dogfish Head! I along with a bunch of friends are actually making the pilgrimmage down to Milton, DE tomorrow to tour the brewery and enjoy the brewpub, and a beerfest next weekend would be awesome. I’d prefer the first session, and am a 2013 member!

  35. Excited about the New Jersey breweries, but I really like Stoudt’s Double IPA. First session tickets please. Current member CK

  36. Looking forward to Starr Hill. Visited that brewery this morning past year and glad to see them making their way north.
    We would like to attend the 1st session.
    And what beer expo/fest is complete without visiting the NJCB table???

  37. I am most excited about Cricket Hill. Haven’t had many beers from them but the ones I have, never had a bad experience. Point Brewing and Victory wil also be on my to-do list.
    The 12:30 session would be best for me.
    I was planning on stopping by NJCB adn yes I am a re-newed member for 2013!

  38. Looking forward to flying fish. Tried the 2x ipa and thought it was great. Looking forward to trying others during session 2

  39. Looking to break my beer expo cheery-Will def be looking forward to checking out the Victory and Unita stands.

    Also will be there to congratulate you guys on awesome work



  40. I’m excited to see Turtlestone during session 1. I don’t get a chance to find their beers in my area too much.

  41. Most excited by Firestone because I claim some responsibility for they brewery (I tasted owners homebrew while wine tasting their many years ago). But also Great Lakes which I grew up with in Cleveland, OH. Great beer and brewery to visit. Happy with either session, but later one would be better. And how could I not stop by the NJCB table? Great work team.

  42. All of the breweries on the list I’m sure will be amazing but would love to taste some Firestone Walker!

    1st Session is preferable! 🙂

    Cheers to Good Beers!

  43. I am looking forward to sampling Smuttynose. As a home brewer it is a great opportunity to sample and enjoy multiple breweries.
    The first session would be great and I welcome the opportunity to stop by your the NJCB table. I am a 2013 NJCB member.

  44. I am most excited to drink your selections from Stone Brewery.
    I would like tickets for session 2
    I am a proud NJCB member!!!! Please, please let me win!!!!!

  45. I can’t wait to try Boulder. I love Colorado beers and am already very familiar with Tommyknocker.

    I’m going to Session 2, I have to work earlier in the day!

    I actually first joined NJ Craft at this event last year so I look forward to seeing you guys again! Hopefully I’ll get my card in the mail before.

  46. Hooker. Great beer, great name. They have some awesome barrel aged saisons only available at the brewery. Hopefully they bring some. Session #1

  47. I’d like to try the brews from 961 – something I haven’t seen.
    Session #2 is preferred but I can do either.

  48. I’m looking forward to Harpoon, Unibrou, Wells, Ramstein- yummy… can’t pick one.
    Session one please?
    I just signed up for membership today, and bought a gift membership for my buddy RV.

  49. I am looking forward to New Jersey’s Flying Fish Brewery
    Session one please
    Will stop by the booth to say Hi!
    New member this month, cheers!

  50. There’s a lot of beers I’ve had, a lot I haven’t, but I’m most intrigued by 961Beer because it’s from Lebanon.

    I’d be interested in session one.

  51. I am most interested in attending Session #2, but would attend either session. As a North Jersey resident who rarely has had a chance to try South Jersey’s lesser known microbrews, I am looking most forward to trying Cape May Brewing Company’s beers.

  52. Looking forward to trying Cape May brewing
    Session two please
    Will be sure to stop by the booth
    New member this month

  53. Evil Genius because I have never had the pleasure of trying their brews. Second session please, I would be more than happy to visit your table, and I am a 2013 card holder.

  54. Session 1. Excited to see 16 Mile from my home away from home in DE on tap, as well as New Jersey Beer Co., since i have not yet tried their brews…

  55. I owuld love to attend session 1. As far as breweries to choose from, what can I say I am from NJ and I would love to visit all of our home state breweries and give them much praise. As far as stopping at the NJCB table I would even be willing to volunteer at the table just to get a taste of all of these fine breweries for the day.

  56. Session 1
    Toss up between Stoudts and Firestone
    Am a 2013 Member and of course I’d stop by and hang out @ the NJCB table!

  57. Session 2

    I’m looking forward to tommy knocker brewery and a couple of other west coast breweries.

    I am a 2013 member

  58. Hi Mike,

    I’m especially excited to try selections from 961 brewery.

    I’d prefer tickets to session 2.

    Michael Zakhar

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