Cape May: Neshaminy Creek Brew Tour is happening at Mad Batter
Kyle fromNeshaminy Creek said on Thursday, May 18 from 03:00 pm to
Get a jump start on summer down the shore with us at the Mad Batter! The tap list includes some deep tracks and new classics:
-Highwater Hefeweizen
-The Shape of Hops to Come
-Coffee J.A.W.N.
-Wheat Wine
-Leon Russian Imperial S’mores Stout
-Tamanend Helles Lager
-Croydon Cream Ale with Watermelon caskBeers will be tapped at 3pm, live music starts at 7pm!
Mad Batter can be found at 19 Jackson Street, Cape May, online, on Facebook and Twitter too. NJCB Members, bring those cards and get $1 off craft beer except during happy hour!