New Jersey beer job posting: P/T Assistant Supreme Ruler of Beer, Wine & Bourbon Whiskey at Amazing Grapes

NJCB Beer Jobs

Position available

P/T Assistant Supreme Ruler of Beer, Wine & Bourbon Whiskey

Job Description

Yo Here’s the Perfect Job……Ride herd on an 8 taps 238 bottle beer selection, as you slave away here on a part time basis as occasional bartender, shift mgr, stock guy, taster, buyer (you have an opinion and know shit , right?), wine connoisseur and whatever it takes to make a small joint (wine/beer store bar combo) operate right. Employee discounts, decent pay for this kind of fun bs job, plus tips (hey everything is on the books), beer, wine, women, song, be our Beer Ambassador when you travel (brewers will treat you like a god) , flexible schedule (as long as you can work some nights and alternate weekends) what more do you need?.
Ill check your references and I know f’ing everybody No drunks,losers or criminals (convicted) need apply.

Instructions for applying

e-mail your resume to or write it up on the back of a grocery bag and drop it off. catch my drift, not looking for pretensions just good at what you do

URL of Job if applicable

This position was submitted by John Gray, Manager at Amazing Grapes on 12/06/2014

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