RePour the Jersey Shore at The Spot Pizza Grill with NJCB. UPDATES INSIDE.

Come and help us rebuild the Jersey Shore. Ron from The Spot Pizza Grill and I were chatting the day after Sandy come through and we came up with this idea to help rebuild one of our favorite parts of our beautiful state. Now onto the details.  Ron decided to tell you a story, so here’s what he has to say.


June 9th’s “RePour the Jersey Shore – One Pint at a Time” is the kick-off event for a summer long campaign to raise awareness as well as money for Shore 2 Recover and their efforts to help the Jersey Shore rebuild. Here’s how the project was born:

RePour the Jersey Shore began as an idea between Ron of The Spot Pizza Grill and Mike of New Jersey Craft Beer, during the hectic days immediately following Hurricane Sandy’s destruction.

Once travel to the area was allowed, Ron was relieved to find that The Spot Pizza Grill Point Pleasant Beach was fortunate enough to have suffered only minor cosmetic damage to the building’s exterior. Further good luck came as they were one of the first businesses to have power restored just days after the storm. Once power was up and social media communication restored, Ron and the Spot crew immediately began helping the Point Pleasant Beach community. The Spot became a warm place for our neighbors along the shoreline to go find a hot meal, charge their cell phones, access wireless internet and catch up on the news. For some, it was the first opportunity to see images of the very devastation they were experiencing. As NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams (a Mantoloking homeowner and a customer one of those early days) said, The Spot offered a beacon of light in a community draped in darkness.

New Jersey Craft Beer‘s mission is to provide craft beer fans in New Jersey with a resource for finding current beer happenings. Once Mike from NJCB was able to check in on his friends at The Spot, he and Ron hatched the idea of a beer benefit to raise funds for Sandy relief. Beth, a local graphic designer, joined the team and the theme RePour the Jersey Shore was born. Several ideas were discussed as to how to best disperse the funds raised. It was decided that the best course of action would be to find a local charity as partner, and so the search began.

To be continued…

Part two of the journey is where the proceeds will go. It’s staying local!

Shore 2 Recover, a local Point Pleasant Beach charity, was followed over the next few months as their volunteers made great efforts to help the homeowners in town.
Shore 2 Recover’s mission statement:
“Our vision is to see that all coastal communities once again thrive even stronger than before the storm. We are a group of humble, goal-oriented, and determined individuals. Our main focus is to assist in the rebuilding efforts and to secure stabilization for local families and businesses impacted by the storm from Point Pleasant Beach to Seaside Park. Together we’re Shore 2 Recover!!”

Part three includes the following.

ONE PINT AT A TIME comes to life!

We have an exciting list of Breweries & Sponsors for June 9th’s event RePour the Jersey Shore. The Spot Pizza Grill Point Pleasant Beach and New Jersey Craft Beer will be featuring seven of New Jersey’s own breweries on tap –Beach Haus BeerCarton BrewingCricket Hill Brewing Co.,Flying Fish Brewing CompanyKane Brewing Company,Ramstein Beer and River Horse Brewing Co. The profit from NJ craft beer pint sales will be a major part of the donation to Shore 2 Recover‘s Rebuild Program. In the coming weeks, look for the list of beers we will be tapping for the benefit.
Even if craft beer isn’t your thing, everyone can show their support – The Spot Pizza Grill and Spirits Unlimited of Point Pleasant Beach. will be donating 10% of all food and beverage sold the day of the event to Shore 2 Recover.

Breweries scheduled to be there include as of June 4.

  • Doug – Carton
  • JP – Beach Haus
  • and more…. I’ll be updating this with info as it unfolds.

Stay tuned for more… information including what beers will be available. Come on and help us RePour The Jersey Shore! Please use the hashtag #RPJS2013. NJCB Members, keep in mind, due to the $5 NJ pints during the event and the charity at large, there will be no discounts available during the event.

Team NJCB will be at the event with giveaways, glassware and NJCB Membership Club Cards. We’ll be donating profits from sales as well!


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2 thoughts on “RePour the Jersey Shore at The Spot Pizza Grill with NJCB. UPDATES INSIDE.”

  1. Stuck in Seattle (where at least I never have to worry about crappy beer), but wanna show some support to my home state/area/stomping grounds. How might I buy a tee shirt for the event?

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