George sent us over his North Jersey beer events for Sam Adams. The bolded events offer NJCB Members a great deal!
Cloverleaf tavern- Sept 1st stein hoist/lederhosen party/fall MBD PhD kick off
5 PM kick off
Three Weiss men kick off for menu
Fat Jack, Downtime Pilsner, Coney Island Mermaid Pilsner draft
Prizes for best dressed
Sona 13 Morristown- Sept 3rd Pumpkin night
6 PM kick off
Fat Jack and Jacko traveler draft kick off
Smokin Barrel Hoboken- Sept 10th– flight night
6 PM kick off
Fat Jack, Rebel Rider and Grumpy Monk limited release fight specials
Iron Monkey- Sept 10th Stein Hoist
6 PM kick off
Sidelines Fairfield- Sept 12th 1 year anniversary and stein hoist
1 PM kick off
Cornhole tournament
Stewed Cow Hoboken- Sept 13th stein hoist
During Sunday football
Darby Road Scotch Plains- Sept 14th stein hoist and tap takeover
Limited release drafts on while beer lasts
Flight specials
Hoist heats begin at half time
Texas Arizona Hoboken- Sept 16th stein hoist
630 PM
Black Thorn Kenilworth- Sept 18th Stein hoist
7 PM
Cloverleaf Tavern- Sept 21st first ever beer education class to consumers
$10 reserves your seat
630 PM
We will be teaching a beer class for anyone interested in joining the cloverleaf MBA program and sampling different styles of beers
Vanderbilts at the Wyndham Hotel Florham Park- Sept 21st Stein Hoist + tap takeover
8 beers on draft
Flight specials
830 PM hoist heats begin
Paragon Tap and Table Clark Sept 22nd– Stein Hoist
6 PM hoist heats begin
Wicked Wolf Sept 24th Stein Hoist
9 PM heats begin
Brass Rail Hoboken Sept 24th Stein Hoist
7 PM heats begin