njcb linebreak

Submit the following information so Team NJCB can socialize it verbatim on the site, our social outlets, email and the app. Please disable autofill so strange information doesn’t get added into the content below. NJCB is not responsible for typos or mistakes with your entries.

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
This is the public name not the business name for example, use Bar 123 not Bar 123 Group, LLC
Don’t enter NJ, just the town name unless it’s taking place outside of New Jersey. If this event spans across towns, list all of them or the county or area.
Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event Start Time*
Event End Time*
Repeat / Reoccurring Event?
If YES, enter the way the event repeats (weekly, monthly, 2nd Wednesday, etc) in the repeat info blank field.
Type in how this event repeats for socialization and calendar purposes
Be as descriptive as possible. This will be the basis for the content on NJCB.
Digital flyer, document or art to upload?
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Upload a 1600x900px or larger is file.
Full URL of your event if applicable. Facebook events, PDF or JPG links, your site are all ok.
Data in this area may not be published to the website. Do not fill anything in here you do not want to be published.
Are you personally an NJCB Member?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.