Tavern on the Lake event with Pinelands Brewing and Tuckahoe

Tavern On The Lake, Hightstown

On July 15 our friends from Tuckahoe Brewing and Pinelands Brewing will be making a stop at Tavern on the Lake for their first time. Scheduled to be on tap are the following:


  • Marshallville Wit
  • Reed’s Bay IPA
  • Anglesea Red Ale
  • Steelmantown Porter
  • Dennis Creek Pale Ale
  • A pin of oak aged sour pale ale w/ Nelson Sauvin hops


  • Batsto Brown Ale
  • Pitch Pine Ale

Aside from a few select festivals, this is one of the first events that Tuckahoe and Pinelands have been to the middle of the state. Come on by for a great time. I will be there and others from Team NJCB, Amy and Michelle from Girls Pint Out will be hanging out for sure! The outdoor space overlooking the lake at the bar is going to be waiting for you.

More details as they unfold.

Tavern On The Lake offers NJCB Members 10% off your entire bill for showing your card!  The address is 101 North Main Street, Hightstown.  Just seconds off the Turnpike Exit 8.

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3 thoughts on “Tavern on the Lake event with Pinelands Brewing and Tuckahoe”

  1. Hi Mike;
    Just wondering if there are any tickets left for beer education seminar at Tavern by the Lake.
    It’s my son’s birthday and I know he would like it. We have made beer in the past and would like a new education. We are both members.
    Frank Tortorello

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