Uno Metuchen update

pizzeria uno metuchen

Our friends at Uno Brewpub in Metuchen sent this out

First off, all of us at Uno’s would like to wish you a safe and happy holiday!  We have two new beers on the lines.  First up is the winter favorite Scotch Ale.  This year it comes in at 8.3% ABV, and has a special touch to it.  We smoked a small portion of the malt used in this beer with pecan wood chips.  This slight hint of smoke helps to balance the caramel and toffee sweetness of this smooth and creamy brew.  Also new to the taps this week, is a limited amount of 2011 Imperial Stout.  This beer was brewed one year ago and has been aging in our cold room since and we have put it on just before the holidays for you to enjoy!  Get it while it lasts, we already had a great turnout last night.  Be safe, be merry, and remember to enjoy some good beer during the holiday season!

Uno’s is located at 61 US-1 South in Metuchen. It’s between the Woodbridge and the Menlo Park Mall.  Here’s the Official Facebook page.  NJCB Members get a fantastic deal.  10% off the entire bill!

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