What’s on tap at Barcade, JC tonight

This is the tap list for today, Friday, February 3.

Bear Republic Racer 5

BrewWorks Always Sunny Pale Ale

Brooklyn Blast! (cask)

Brooklyn Monster

Carton of Milk

Climax Bavarian Dark

Coney Island Mermaid Pilsner

Doc’s Draft Cider

Fisherman’s Brew

Great Divide Yeti

Harpon U.F.O. White

He Brew Jewbelation 12

Ithaca Thirteen

Kane Head High

Lagunitas Cappuccino Stout

NJ Beer Co Weehawken Wee Heavy

Otter Creek Twentieth Anniversary Ale

Port Shark Attack

Rogue Chatoe Dirtoir

Sixpoint East Coast Amber

Sixpoint “Nitro” Otis

Smuttynose Baltic Porter

Smuttynose Winter Ale

Troegs Mad Elf

Weyerbacher Tango

You can also check out Barcade’s website, Twitter stream and Facebook if you desire. The address is 163 Newark Avenue in Jersey City.

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