There’s a new beer festival starting up. The Big Brew Beer Festival is happening on Cinco de Mayo weekend. Friday night, May 4 and Saturday May 5 (2 sessions) at the Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset. I’ve bulleted below some of the events happening at the event.
- beer
- music
- vendors
- celebrities
- fun
- games
- entertainment
- beer!!!!
The beer list has not be finalized yet, but there will be some cool stuff from the likes of Blue Point, Cricket Hill, Keegan, Flying Fish, Ommegang, Sam Adams, Brooklyn Brewery, BOAKS Beer, Duvel, Harpoon, Innis and Gunn, Peak, Magic Hat, Sierra Nevada and more to come.
NJCB Members can preorder their tickets online and save an extra $10 the ticket sales. Use the code NJCB to save $10.
Tickets are $50 online right now. More info can also be found online at their site.