Nik’s Wunderbar are hosting a cask tapping event this Friday March 28th. It starts at 11 am. The information is below! Nik’s also participates in the NJCB Membership Club. Stop in to 454 Route 22 West, Whitehouse Station and receive 10% off entire bill & $2 off growler fills for members! Go see our friend Matty at the bar!
It has been far too long since we uttered a single syllable as to what is going on at Nik’s Wunderbar. We wonder (no pun intended) if John Coltrane would have felt like us right now if he wasn’t tappin’ that sax (no pun again, I assure you). Or, maybe, Ludwig van Beethoven if he wasn’t hunched over the piano finding the correct vibration for a particular note. Either way you look at it they are both disturbing thoughts and we are just downright disturbed. Mother nature really beat us up this year. We apologize on her behalf and we sincerely want to make it up to you.Our lack of newsletters and upcoming events have not been our short coming but us working with big ole badass mama nature as she forcefully reminded us of how puny we are. As such we would like to take the opportunity to host our own suaree:
NIK’S WUNDERBAR End of Winter Celebration!!!
In honour of welcoming this spring and sending off one beautiful disaster of a winter we welcome all to our 1st ever cask tapping! Yes, German cask ale!!! To celebrate your patience and mother nature’s leniency we would love to treat you to the following… :
Aecht Schlenkerla Fastenbier – 5.5% this German beauty is specifically designed for the “Lenten” season. It is an unfiltered smoked beer with a fine hoppy character. It is full bodied yet highly drinkable and is to be served/sold from Ash Wednesday-Easter from…go figure…a wooden cask.
Anchor Brewing 2013 – 5.5%!!!!! We have dubbed this little diddy “Nik’s End of Winter Ale”. We chose to use this brew as a way of saying goodbye to winter but honour her in all her mighty force. It is also a yin to a yang. While we have a cask to celebrate the Lenten festivities we are tapping a brew to honour “birth”. We will leave you to figure it all out over a couple of brews.