A few of us were tweeting today about what beers to drink during Hurricane Irene, well, tonight, 8PM EST, join us. You’ve got 30 minutes to figure out what you will be drinking. If you use Untappd, please tag it with #IreneDrinks. If you don’t use Untappd, it’s cool, Tweet it out, Facebook it, whatever you do with your beer, use #IreneDrinks and bonus points if you also add #NJCB into the mix. I’d love if you could also list the beer you are drinking in the comments here on the website too and John would love a picture as well. Remember we still have the #NJCBtography Topic #2 contest going on. The below is a list of people that are on board already in no particular order.
Stay tuned to find out what we will all be drinking!
@BeerIsMyChurch – @NJCraftBeerZ – @jonathanmoxey
@beertography – @NYAleProject – @Hoptopia – @untappd – @NJBeerNerd
Thanks to BeerIsMyChurch for helping to get this going! Zach just tweeted saying…
Maybe mention that users should add some well wishes for those in the storm’s path to their check-in. #IreneDrinks
Here's to a safe and dry Irene for everyone in her way. Get through the night safely. Cheers!
I'll be there!
I’m in from #beercon in San Diego!
I've had two oktoberfests (brooklyn and flying fish) and magic hat Howl (that seems semi-appropriate) I'll remember to tag untappd with the next couple.
cheers all and be safe! now drinking Jah-va Imperial Stout by Southern Tier
Ommegang is on the menu for tonight_
I'm drinking the Pelican Pub Mother of all Storms 2010 bottle. It's unreal much like this storm. I want all my reporters, fans and fellow beer lovers to stay safe. Monmouth County is wet, but so far so good.
Drinking the 2010 Pelican Mother of All Storms as well. So so good! Currently hunkered down in Parsippany, Morris County.
So I'm starting pretty light for now with a Purist Pale Ale from Appalachian, but I have a couple of stouts – Storm King and Old Rasputin for later tonight. What will be in between? Maybe a Stone IPA. We shall see…
Wish I had a MoaS like some of you, but I'm settling for a KBS. Riding out the storm in style
Finishing my yuengling premium case. Saving fin du monde for when the floods come.
just popped open Dogfish Head Namaste.