Absecon: Jersey Fresh Tap Takeover 5: Recess! is happening at Chickie’s and Pete’s EHT
Alvin from Chickie’s and Pete’s EHT said on Friday, August 25 from 07:00 pm to ??
Our 5th installment of our Jersey Fresh series! Why is it called Recess you ask? Because we will be playing outside for this one! 25 – 30 breweries will be in house. This will be a big one folks! Live music on the outdoor stage, yard games, giveaways, etc! Breweries confirming every day! List to come shortly!
Rain Date is Saturday 8/26/17
More information can be found at https://www.facebook.com/events/101190130593014/?active_tab=about. Free order of their signature Crabfries, $2 off growlers & 10% off growler fills for NJCB Members at 6055 Blackhorse Pike, EHT.