Neptune City: Our friend Gretchen, owner and brewer of Little Dog, sent us over her third year anniversary information.
It’s hard to believe Little Dog is marking its 3rd year in business this month . . . it’s been a very busy year and I’ve been focused on growing the brewery in a very competitive market and making some changes that will allow us to move forward. For example, we have now have two additional taps in the Tasting Room and a larger selection of beers available!I hope you can come by and check it out! Although we’ve been promoting the anniversary celebration all month, this year, we’re concentrating our efforts on the weekend of November 17-19, which will feature a mini (4-beer) cask fest on Saturday & Sunday.
Go stop by Little Dog and see the changes and try the beers! Little Dog Brewing offers 10% off merchandise for Members at 141 Steiner Avenue in Neptune City.