Monmouth County Homebrewers Association

Freehold: Monmouth County Homebrewers Association is happening at The Brewers Apprentice

Vince from The Brewers Apprentice said on June 28 2016 from 07:00 pm to 09:00 pm

Club meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month, from 7:00-9:00PM, at The Brewers Apprentice

The mission of MCHA is to promote public awareness and appreciation of the quality and variety of homebrewed beer through education, research and the collection and dissemination of information. Serving as a forum for the technological and cross-cultural aspects of the art of brewing and to encourage personal responsibility when using beer or other beverages containing alcohol.

MCHA is registered with the American Homebrewers Association

More information can be found at The new address is 865 Route 33 West, Suite 4, Freehold.  BrewApp is a homebrew store as well as a Brew on Premise (BoP) location. NJCB members save 10% off of all products including all BREW-ON-PREMISES and Brew To Go services. Cannot be combined with any other discount or promotion and does not include bottles.


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