Randolph: New Belgium 25th anniversary is happening at Morris Tap & Grill
Meg from Morris Tap & Grill said on September 15 2016 from 05:00 pm to 11:55 pm
New Belgium has collaborated with some beer friends to make some interesting brews. Join us September 15th as we let them take over our taps!
Have you ever wondered what kind of place the world would be if your favorite breweries brewed together?
Sounds like we will be at the bar today… don’t send help.
Pouring the collaBEERation:
* Allagash Fat Funk Ale
* Avery Fat Wild Ale
* Hopworks Fat Sour Apple Ale
* Firestone Walker Fat Hoppy Ale
* New Belgium Fat Tire AleNew Belgium Treats:
Flowering Citrus Ale
More information can be found at https://www.facebook.com/events/691692297650880/
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