Middlesex: Donna from Ashton Brewing Company sent information about Can Release! Ober Baron German Style Red Ale scheduled for Thursday, March 26 from 04:00 pm to . Donna says…
It’s March with makes it our Anniversary month! We will have a celebration on March 26th, but wanted to honor the month with our new Anniversary beer, Ober Baron! This is a double version of our Red Baron and aged on oak spirals. In Germany they would call this a Doppelsticke which means double secret. We brewed this to commemorate our second anniversary since Red Baron was the first beer we brewed. Pours a deep amber with a rich off-white head. Malty, crisp and bitter. The oak creates complexity and accentuates the dry finish. This beer is truly the top dog.
More information can be found at at this link. Ashton Brewing Company offers NJCB Members 10% off merchandise at 600 Lincoln Avenue, Middlesex.