This just in from Hunterdon!!!
The New Year will bring a wave of excitement to beer enthusiasts in New Jersey. Hunterdon Distributors is pleased to announce that they have reached an agreement to distribute the highly acclaimed beers of Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey. In addition to an assortment of their most well-known beers, the inaugural launch will feature a special draft-only release brewed exclusively for the New Jersey market. Official release parties have already been scheduled for the first week of 2012.
One of the locations for the launch parties is going to be Cloverleaf (that’s been confirmed) on January 1 and I hear rumors of Mohawk House. Where do you want the parties to be and are you thirsty yet?
Um, ok, how about a little recognition that there is actually parts of NJ that are SOUTH of Trenton???
Or west of Bergen County?
Hmmm where did my 1st comment go? Anyway, how about we see a party that isn't allllll the way stuck up in North Jersey? There's a burgeoning and great craft beer scene down in South Jersey, how about a little love down here? A tap-takeover at The Pour House in Westmont, NJ would work nicely I think!
I agree and one in central also. Only one place has officially announced their event and that's the Cloverleaf. I'm sure Pour House will do something.
Sounds like this is right up Maloney’s ally! 🙂
South Jersey will definitely be getting some love, so keep your pants on everyone! Only delicious beers will be served to smiling faces 😉