Here are the latest events from our friend Natalie from Weyerbacher. Bold events give NJCB Members discounts. Come explore!
Friday, 3/6 from 5-7pm
Weyerbacher Sampling at Mac & Lindy’s in Vernon, NJ.
Sunday, 3/15 at 10am
Weyerbacher Sunday Morning Stout launch event at Brickwall Tavern in Asbury Park, NJ! On Tap: Sunday Morning Stout, Pariah, Heresy, and Insanity. SMS beer/coffee mugs giveaways as well.
Thursday, 3/19 at 6pm
Weyerbacher Tap Takeover at The Copper Mine Pub in North Arlington, NJ. On Tap: Pariah, 19th Anniversary, Sunday Morning Stout, Tiny, Tarte Nouveau, Cassiopeia, Quad ’13, Quad ’14, Heresy, Insanity, Tango, Blithering Idiot, & more!
Friday-Saturday, 3/20-21, 3 sessions
AC BEERFEST 2015! AC Convention Center, Atlantic City, NJ. Pouring Weyerbacher: Merry Monks, Tarte Nouveau, Tiny, and Quad.
Saturday, 3/28, 2 sessions
“Beers on the Boards” a boardwalk craft beer fest on the Point Pleasant boardwalk. Pouring Weyerbacher: Heresy &