Mark, the beer manager from Wine Academy, sent over this info for a tasting on March 12.
Try Something Different This St. Patrick’s Day
We will be tasting alternatives to that world-famous Irish beer that everyone drinks so much of on St. Patrick’s Day. These beers are all dark and flavorful, and offer something a little more unique (and still pretty sessionable) for your drinking enjoyment.
-Samuel Smith’s Oatmeal Stout
-Founder’s Porter
-Breckenridge Vanilla Porter
-Keegan Ales Mother’s Milk Stout
NJCB Members save at Wine Academy! 10% discount on mixed cases of craft beer & 10% discount on three 22oz or larger bottles/15% discount on six 22oz or larger in Lakewood. 1900 Route 70 & Shorrock Road, Lakewood, NJ is the address.