
NJCB Collaboration #2

The first NJCB Collaboration was a huge success. Aside from the beer, the unity of the breweries involved last year was paramount for the craft movement here in New Jersey. This year, we decided to do it again and like last year, release 1 sixtel per session at the Atlantic City Beer Festival plus at the NJCB Party at Wingcraft. Here’s what we are doing for this batch that Spellbound is currently fermenting 10 barrels […]

NJCB Collaboration #2

NJCB Collaboration #1 information and release parties

NEW JERSEY BREWERS & SUPPLIERS HONOR THEIR ROOTS, COLLABORATE Since the onset of the 2012 “Craft Beer Bill,” New Jersey has become home to a burgeoning Craft Beer scene, with new breweries in planning, existing establishments growing, and complementary businesses sprouting up.  From beer-only bars to beer-centric organizations, the state has become a hot bed of artisanal ale activity and this spring it will go a step further, as members of 10 different craft beer businesses in

NJCB Collaboration #1 information and release parties

Flounder Brewing

Flounder Brewing is almost legal

Got an email from Flounder Brewing late last week.  Jeremy, the owner sent over a note stating that We are close to opening, contracting is about done and just waiting on township inspections there which are set to start early March.  OUr final State ABC inspection is set for 3/7, if no problems there we will be licensed after that by the ABC.  So we’re looking to start pilot brewing towards the end of March

Flounder Brewing is almost legal