uno brewpub

UNO Brewpub Fall cask festival!

Mark your calendar, it’s the UNO Fall Cask Festival! The event is Saturday, October 26 starting at noon. We won’t have the time to coordinate with Chris, the brewer, on a NJCB crowd sourced cask but there will be plenty of other great beer. We’ll be updating this post as the info comes in. Last thing… this is Chris’ last day at the brewery. He’s been brewing great beers, but he’s moving to DC to

UNO Brewpub Fall cask festival!

Uno Metuchen Spring Cask Fest! Cask list and contest winner announced too!

It’s back! Uno’s cask fest is scheduled for Saturday, March 23. The usual group of breweries will be featured along with a really special guest cask. More details will be rolled out ASAP but in the meantime, vote for your favorite infusion! Here are some of the breweries that will be featured. Uno’s and NJCB Milk Stout (With Kung Pao Peppers) Uno’s Ike’s IPA (Dry-hopped with Sorachi and Simcoe) Kane Port Omna Stout (Aged with Vanilla

Uno Metuchen Spring Cask Fest! Cask list and contest winner announced too! read more...

New Seasonal beer at Uno’s Brewpub

This just arrived today from our friends at Uno’s Brewpub. COFFEE MILK STOUT 6% ABV Our new seasonal is a Milk Stout.  This beer is brewed in a similar fashion to a traditional stout, but with the addition of LACTOSE which is sugar derived from milk.  Lactose is unfermentable by brewer’s yeast, which adds body and sweetness to the beer.  This stout has a full body, mild sweetness, and flavors of chocolate, vanilla, and a

New Seasonal beer at Uno’s Brewpub

New beer at Uno Metuchen

Our friends at Uno’s in Metuchen sent us over this update. Today we have an arrival of our new seasonal Wheat Wine.  This beer is made in the traditional barleywine sense, but half of the malt bill is wheat.  The wheat contributes a firm malt structure, and some spice.  Also, the addition of twenty pounds of molasses helps to dry the beer out and round the caramel overtones. The flavors of this beer include candied

New beer at Uno Metuchen

Uno Metuchen update

Our friends at Uno Brewpub in Metuchen sent this out First off, all of us at Uno’s would like to wish you a safe and happy holiday!  We have two new beers on the lines.  First up is the winter favorite Scotch Ale.  This year it comes in at 8.3% ABV, and has a special touch to it.  We smoked a small portion of the malt used in this beer with pecan wood chips.  This

Uno Metuchen update

Uno Brewpub update and Kane dinner

Our friends at Uno in Metuchen sent us over the following information. Our current seasonal is Bock beer, which was featured at our last Cask Festival.  Rich and malty, this dark German lager is a perfect companion for the cold weather.  Scotch ale is in the tank, and will be down in a couple of weeks along with a different rendition of Gust and Gale Porter.  A limited release a Raspberry Brown Porter that should be

Uno Brewpub update and Kane dinner

TODAY – Cask Fest at Uno Metuchen with a special NJCB cask and other casks listed inside

The Uno Cask Fest is back. It’s scheduled for October 6. Come and join us for our Bi-Annual Cask Festival October 6th for a tasting of cask beers from local New Jersey breweries. Beers from Uno, Flying Fish, Climax, Carton, and Kane among others will be available for purchase in a pay as you go fashion!! The beers will be tapped at noon and the event ends when all have kicked. Available for purchase in

TODAY – Cask Fest at Uno Metuchen with a special NJCB cask and other casks listed inside read more...